10KCards is Creating opportunities among high profile & influential clients within our network to generate massive earnings and profits.
TEAM LEADERS | INFLUENCERS | COACHES | LAWYERS | NURSES | DOCTORS | REALTORS | TEACHERS | NETWORK MARKETERS | BANKERS | CEO’s and so much more. You name the industry, we’ll create the opportunity
The sales week opens up on Monday and closes off on Sunday of each week and Payments are sent out before Midnight on Wednesday of each week.
PARTNER with us and earn 25%
If you have seen enough information to make a decision, let’s get you signed up for ONLY $2500(one time)* and start earning 25% on all your referrals.
Senior Partners get 50%
If you have seen enough information to make a decision, let’s get you signed up for ONLY $5000 (one time)* and start earning 50% on all your referrals
A 10% bonus on commission payout is paid to each senior partner that onboards new Partners to 10kCards.